
27 Tet

EPP: “Government should interrupt pressure on Prosecutor; Decriminalization and the fight against organized crime vital”

On Friday, October27th, the European People’s Party Group in the European Parliament issued the following statement: “The EPP Group takes note of the recent political pressure on the Prosecutor, given the fact that the Albanian Prosecutor for Serious Crimes has ...

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26 Tet

Qëndrimet e partnerëve të qarta: Mbështetje totale për hetimet, mbështetje totale për prokurorinë dhe gjyqtarët, kundër mbrojtjes së çdo politikani që hetohet për krimin dhe drogën, përmes imunitetit parlamentar

Cështja Tahiri nuk është fundi por fillimi i çmontimit të narko-shtetit Pyetje: Keni pasur një takim të gjatë me ambasadorët e BE-së dhe ambasadorin amerikan? Basha: Kam patur një takim me ambasadorin Lu. Ambasadorët e Bashkimit Europian kanë qenë në ...

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25 Tet

Fjala e kryetarit të Partisë Demokratike, Lulzim Basha, në seancën e sotme parlamentare

Të nderuar bashkëqytetarë, Që krimi, droga dhe e keqja kanë zaptuar Shqipërinë, treguesi më i mirë është puna e këtij Kuvendi. Ja ku jemi prapë, jo për të parën herë, duke u marrë me një tjetër kriminel. Kuvendi i Shqipërisë ...

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25 Tet

PM Rama to Albanian journalists: "While the prosecution is from stone age, you are stupid.”

“You speak improperly, you are illiterate. I can answer to you whatever my white heart would like to. Look at yourself, what do you ask? Is this a question? This is stupidity.” PM Rama made this statement to the journalists ...

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24 Tet

Letra e Tahirit pa vlerë, është detyrë e prokurorisë shqiptare të hetojë ish-ministrin, por Edi Rama nuk e lejon sepse mbron krimin

Letra që nxori sot Saimir Tahiri mund të tundet për militantët e oborrit por për askënd tjetër. Prokuroria e Katanias, ka arrestuar Moisi Habilajn dhe kërkon anëtarët e tjerë të bandës, sepse ata janë kapur duke e kryer aktivitetin kriminal ...

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23 Tet

The country needs urgently a United Opposition Front to end Rama’s criminal kidnapping of Albanian democracy.

Statement of the Chairman of the Democratic party of Albania, Mr. Lulzim Basha : “The Italian anti-mafia has recently presented legal evidences of the drug and weapons trafficking carried by the Habilaj brothers’ gang and of the direct assistance they ...

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23 Tet

Italian full transcripts of the Tahiri – Habilaj affair

The Habilajs have offered gifts and cash to Tahiri while using his personal car (an Audi A8 type) for travelling within and outside the country, also in company of the Minister himself. The Habilajs were intercepted saying that Tahiri has ...

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23 Tet

Basha calls upon EU and US to react on Rama’s pressure against the judiciary.

PD leader Lulzim Basha has reacted immediately after Prime Minister Edi Rama’s attack on the prosecution. Basha called upon the EU and US to put pressure on PM Rama and the governing majority to immediately interrupt the campaign of threats ...

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23 Tet

Rama to Prosecution over Tahiri's case: “You come from the Stone Age, put yourself together”.

PM Rama made a long and heavy statement in front of the Socialist parliamentary group, on Monday October 23rd, against the Albanian Serious Crime Prosecutor office as of its handling of the Tahiri/Habilaj case by saying that: “Where does it ...

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23 Tet

Cannabis, politics and family links: “who’s who” and the drug trafficking surge in Albania

Who are the Habilaj brothers and Dritan Zagani? How do they relate to the former socialist Minister of Interior? What is Rama’s official position and why family links are so important in the Habilaj – Tahiri scandal? How the Xibraka ...

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