The organization of DP is carried out on the basis of territorial administrative units, electoral units or on the basis of specific criteria at the national level.
The organizational units of DP are:
- a) Sections;
- b) Group sections;
- c) Branches of the Democratic Party
The central bodies of DP are:
- a) Party Assembly;
- b) National Council;
- c) Chairman;
- d) Chairmanship;
- e) Secretary-General;
- f) Secretariat
The section is the basic organizational unit of the Party. It is organized on the territorial basis of voting centers. The section organizes political activity in its territory in accordance with the orientations and positions announced by the DPA; admits new members of the DPA, etc.
Group section
The group section exercises its activity on the basis of compact territorial units. It consists of the sections included in the territory of the respective division. Chairman, secretary and vice-chairmen of the group section are elected by secret ballot casting, according to the principle “One member, one ballot” from all members of the sections in its composition, between more than one candidate. The group section coordinates the political activity of the party in its component sections according to the duties of the Presidency, proposes candidacies that will be presented to the decision-making bodies of the Party in order to then run for the local authorities of the Branch and of the central bodies of the Party, etc.
Head of the Party Branch
The leadership of the Branch is the highest body in the ladder of the management of the Party Branch exercising its power and functions in the period that stretches between the two Assemblies. It rules and decides on all issues that are not the exclusive competence of the Assembly of the branch or of the central bodies of the DPA.
Chairman of the DP Branch
The President of the DPA Branch is elected by secret ballot casting from the entire membership of the Branch according to the principle “One member; one ballot” among no less than two alternative candidacies.
The Political Secretary of the Branch
Each Branch has a Political Secretary, who is appointed by the presidency of the DPA, according to the procedures specified by this Statute and the Internal Rules and Regulations.
At each branch of the DPSA, departments are set up and operate, composed by individuals enjoying a high reputation, personalities from various fields known for their public activity and the promotion of center-right values are selected.
National Assembly of DPA
It is the highest decision-making body of the Party, consisting of 1100 (one thousand and one hundred) members, who are elected by the Assemblies of DPA branches according to a number determined for each branch by the DPA Presidency. It has the right of a four-year mandate and convenes whenever it is required according to the provisions of this Statute.
National Council
The National Council, in accordance with the program, the Statute and the decisions of the National Assembly, directs and leads the political activity of the Party in the time period stretching between two meetings of the Assembly. It makes all the important political decisions required by the circumstances and when they are not foreseen in this Statute as a right that belongs to the Assembly alone. The National Council, as a rule, meets no less than twice a year.
Chairman of the Party
The Chairman of the Party ensures the implementation of the decisions taken by the central collegial bodies of the Party. The Chairman represents the Party in all public and political activities, domestic and international ones. The Chairman appoints the spokesperson of the Party, as well as the secretary of international relations. The Chairman of the Party is elected by secret ballot of all members of the DPA, according to the principle “One member, one ballot.”
Party’s leadership
The Presidency of the Party is headed by the Chairman of the Party and consists of: a) Chairman of the Party; b) The two vice chairmen of the Party, c) The Secretary-General; d) Chairman of the National Council; e) Twenty members elected by secret ballot from the National Council. The presidency of the DPA follows and ensures the implementation of the decisions taken by the Assembly and the National Council. The presidency decides on all issues that are not exclusive rights according to this statute of the National Assembly and the National Council, as well as approves and passes political agreements.
Secretary-General and Secretariat
The Secretary-General is responsible for the organization of the party, as well as for its daily functioning. He organizes and follows the implementation of the acts issued by the central bodies of the party in the DPA branches. In his work and activity he is assisted by the Secretariat, which consists of functional secretaries who are proposed by the Chairman of the Party with the approval of the Presidency, according to the areas of activity that are deemed necessary. The Secretary-General is elected every four years.