National Council
The National Council of the Democratic Party was voted in the National Assembly held on April 30th, 2022.
The National Council, in accordance with the program, the Statute and the decisions taken by the National Assembly, directs and runs the political activity of the Party in the time period stretching between two meetings of the Assembly. It takes all the important political decisions required by the circumstances and at the times when they are not provided for in this Statute as the right of the Assembly alone.
The National Council consists of the Chairman of the DPA and 150 members elected by secret ballot casting from the National Assembly. In this number are included former Presidents of the Republic, former Prime Ministers and former Speakers of the Assembly and the former Chairmen of the DPA, who are members of the DPA at the time of the meeting of the National Council. The National Assembly elects the members of the National Council by secret ballot casting from a list proposed by the Chairman of the Party, after approval by the Party Presidency.
The National Council is led by the President of the Council, who is elected at the first meeting of the constitution process of the National Council, from among at least two alternative candidacies. The rule prescribes that the National Council meets no less than twice a year.
The National Council exercises these powers and holds the following competences:
a) decides by secret ballot casting on the election with alternative candidacies or the dismissal from office of the Secretary-General; Party Deputy Chairmen; the elected members of the DPA Presidency; functional Secretaries; Chairman and members of the Appeals Committee; and also of the Chairman and members of the Financial Board of the Party.
b) approves the final list of electoral candidates according to the proposal of the DPA Presidency;
ç) approves the strategies and the electoral and political program of the DPA;
d) approves coalitions before or after the election;
dh) decides the disciplinary measures for the members of the National Council or the Presidency of the DPA;
e) approves the DPA Rules of Conduct as proposed by the Secretariat and the Presidency of the DPA.
Below you can find the complete list of members of the DPA National Council:
Adriana Gjonaj
Adriana Kalaja
Agron Kuliçaj
Aida Shehu
Akil Kraja
Albina Deda
Aldo Bumcci
Aleksandër Biberaj
Alta Hazizi Haluca
Andi Dollapi
Andi Mustafai
Andon Frrokaj
Anisa Dervishaj
Anisa Kadesha
Ankelida Çela
Anxhela Malko
Apollon Baçe
Arben Beqiri
Arben Ibro
Arben Imami
Arben Miza
Arben Ristani
Arbjola Halimi
Ardjan Muka
Ardian Turku
Arjan Dedej
Armend Musai
Arnold Kariqi
Arvid Bushati
Aulon Kalaja
Aurel Bylykbashi
Avenir Peka
Barbara Doda
Bedri Hoxha
Besart Xhaferri
Besnik Aliaj
Bislim Ahmetaj
Bledi Kasmi
Bujar Kapexhiu
Bujar Vukaj
Çlirim Gjata
Dafina Muda
Dasho Aliko
Dava Marku
Denion Shëngjergji
Dorel Memoçi
Dorian Teliti
Dritan Burgie
Edit Harxhi
Elena Qirici
Elgi Hyka
Eliona Gremi
Elior Vila
Elisabeta Skrapari
Elton Bano
Elvis Malasi
Edlira Bushati
Enkelejda Sallaku
Eno Bozdo
Enca Basha
Ervin Minarolli
Esmeralda Metko
Etion Kapedani
Fatbardh Kadilli
Fatbardha Kadiu
Fation Bathorja
Feride Rrahmanaj
Fjoralba Dizdari
Fiqiri Ismaili
Floriana Garo
Florin Kurmekaj
Florion Mima
Gazmend Dibra
Gazmir Spahia
Genc Deromemaj
Genc Pollo
Gent Strazimiri
Gentian Mishova
Gjergj Mero
Gjov Vuksani
Glauk Olldashi
Grigels Muçollari
Ibrahim Morina
Ilir Alimehmeti
Iliriana Kuçana
Imanuel Çaushaj
Imelda Kraja
Indrit Hoxha
Irena Shestani
Ivi Kaso
Jamarbër Malltezi
Jola Hysaj
Julian Deda
Kejtis Kruja
Klara Bici
Klaus Shaqiri
Klevis Balliu
Klodian Lata
Klodian Muço
Klodiana Çapja
Laura Vorpsi
Lediana Fratari
Ledina Alolli
Ledina Mandia
Ledio Nuraj
Lisandër Hoxha
Lorenc Luka
Lorin Hoxha
Mal Berisha
Malbor DUka
Mariglen Doçi
Mariana Brunga
Matilda Qyrku
Megi Balliu
Mariglen Kurtballaj
Mimoza Hadarmataj
Mimoza Rexhvelaj
Minushe Lazaj
Mirela Tabaku
Myqerem Tafaj
Myslimi Murrizi
Nadire Meçorapaj
Nazlie Lacci
Nikolin Çali
Osman Mula
Osman Stafa
Parid Teferiçi
Prel Gjoni
Qemal Çejku
Qemal Hoxha
Rajmonda Bulku
Renis Gjoka
Robert Budina
Roland Keta
Rubens Shima
Rudina Hajdari
Sajmir Mulgeci
Sara Bodo
Sevalgon Berisha
Shaqir Manjani
Sherefedin Shehu
Shkëlqim Hoxha
Silvi Bardhi
Spiro Vaso
Suzana Guxholli
Valdete Vorbsi
Voltana Ademi
Xheraldo Dashi
Xhulian Guçe
Ylli Asllani
Zyrafete Kulla